Structs in UnrealScript


UnrealScript’s structs are typed collections of fields. They’re useful for grouping data together to form records.

This Person struct type has name and age fields.

struct Person {
    var string name;
    var int age;

newPerson constructs a new Person struct with the given name.

function Person newPerson(string name) {
    local Person p; = name;
    p.age = 42; // default age
    return p;

UnrealScript manages memory using a combination of garbage collection and manual memory management. Local variables and function parameters are automatically cleaned up, so you don’t need to worry about explicitly freeing them.

function main() {
    local Person p;
    // This syntax creates a new struct = "Bob";
    p.age = 20;
    `Log(p);  // equivalent to fmt.Println in Go

    // You can name the fields when initializing a struct
    p = new Person(name="Alice", age=30);

    // Omitted fields will be zero-valued
    p = new Person(name="Fred");

    // It’s idiomatic to encapsulate new struct creation in constructor functions
    p = newPerson("Jon");

    // Access struct fields with a dot

    // You can also use references to structs
    local Person sp;
    sp = p;

    // Structs are mutable
    sp.age = 51;

    // Example of anonymous structs
    local struct {
        var string name;
        var bool isGood;
    } Dog; = "Rex";
    Dog.isGood = true;

To run the program, ensure your UnrealScript environment is correctly set up. Then compile the script and execute it in the Unreal Engine context.

# Compile the script
ucc make

# The output should contain expected log messages
# Equivalent to running the Go program

Now that we can run and build basic UnrealScript programs, let’s learn more about the language.