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Switch statements express conditionals across many branches.
Here’s a basic switch.
class SwitchExample extends Actor; simulated function BeginPlay() { local int i; i = 2; `Log("Write" @ i @ " as"); switch (i) { case 1: `Log("one"); break; case 2: `Log("two"); break; case 3: `Log("three"); break; } // Multiple expressions in same case statement and default case switch (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds % 7) { case 0, 6: `Log("It's the weekend"); break; default: `Log("It's a weekday"); break; } // Alternate way to express if/else logic, case expressions can be non-constants switch { case (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds % 24) < 12: `Log("It's before noon"); break; default: `Log("It's after noon"); break; } // Type switch to discover the type of a variable whatAmI("hello"); whatAmI(42); whatAmI(true); } function whatAmI(Object obj) { switch(obj) { default: `Log("Unknown type"); break; case string: `Log("I'm a string"); break; case int: `Log("I'm an int"); break; case bool: `Log("I'm a bool"); break; } }
To run the program, compile the Unrealscript code and debug it within the Unreal Engine environment.