Temporary Files And Directories in UnrealScript

Here’s the translation of the Go code to UnrealScript, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

Our first example demonstrates how to work with temporary files and directories in UnrealScript. This is useful for creating data that isn’t needed after the program exits, preventing unnecessary pollution of the file system over time.

class TempFileManager extends Object;

var string TempFileName;
var string TempDirName;

function Init()
    // Create a temporary file
    TempFileName = CreateTempFile("sample");
    `log("Temp file name: " $ TempFileName);

    // Write some data to the file
    WriteBytesToFile(TempFileName, [1, 2, 3, 4]);

    // Create a temporary directory
    TempDirName = CreateTempDir("sampledir");
    `log("Temp dir name: " $ TempDirName);

    // Create a file in the temporary directory
    local string FullPath;
    FullPath = TempDirName $ "/" $ "file1";
    WriteBytesToFile(FullPath, [1, 2]);

function string CreateTempFile(string Prefix)
    local string TempPath;
    TempPath = class'FileManager'.static.GetTempFilename(Prefix, "");
    return TempPath;

function string CreateTempDir(string Prefix)
    local string TempPath;
    TempPath = class'FileManager'.static.GetTempFilename(Prefix, "");
    return TempPath;

function WriteBytesToFile(string FilePath, array<byte> Data)
    local array<string> StringArray;
    local int i;

    for (i = 0; i < Data.Length; i++)

    class'FileManager'.static.SaveStringArrayToFile(StringArray, FilePath);

function Cleanup()
    // Clean up temporary file and directory
    class'FileManager'.static.DeleteDirectory(TempDirName, true, true);


In this UnrealScript example:

  1. We define a TempFileManager class to handle temporary file and directory operations.

  2. The Init function demonstrates creating a temporary file and directory:

    • CreateTempFile creates a temporary file with a given prefix.
    • CreateTempDir creates a temporary directory with a given prefix.
  3. We use WriteBytesToFile to write data to files. This function converts byte arrays to string arrays, as UnrealScript’s file operations typically work with strings.

  4. The Cleanup function demonstrates how to remove the temporary file and directory when they’re no longer needed.

  5. Instead of defer, we have a separate Cleanup function that should be called when the temporary resources are no longer needed.

  6. UnrealScript doesn’t have built-in functions for temporary file/directory creation, so we simulate this behavior using GetTempFilename from the FileManager class.

  7. Error handling in UnrealScript is typically done through logging or custom error management, rather than exceptions as in some other languages.

Remember to call the Cleanup function when you’re done with the temporary resources to ensure they’re properly removed from the file system.

This example demonstrates how to work with temporary files and directories in UnrealScript, providing similar functionality to the original example while adapting to UnrealScript’s specific features and limitations.