Url Parsing in UnrealScript

Here’s the translation of the Go URL parsing example to UnrealScript, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

class URLParser extends Object;

struct ParsedURL
    var string Scheme;
    var string User;
    var string Password;
    var string Host;
    var string Port;
    var string Path;
    var string Fragment;
    var string RawQuery;

function ParseURL(string URL, out ParsedURL Result)
    local array<string> Parts;
    local array<string> HostParts;
    local array<string> QueryParts;
    local int Index;

    // Split the URL into its main components
    Parts = SplitString(URL, "://");
    if (Parts.Length > 1)
        Result.Scheme = Parts[0];
        URL = Parts[1];

    // Extract the fragment
    Parts = SplitString(URL, "#");
    if (Parts.Length > 1)
        Result.Fragment = Parts[1];
        URL = Parts[0];

    // Extract the query
    Parts = SplitString(URL, "?");
    if (Parts.Length > 1)
        Result.RawQuery = Parts[1];
        URL = Parts[0];

    // Extract the path
    Parts = SplitString(URL, "/");
    if (Parts.Length > 1)
        Result.Path = "/" $ JoinArray(Parts, "/", 1);
        URL = Parts[0];

    // Extract user info and host
    Parts = SplitString(URL, "@");
    if (Parts.Length > 1)
        // User info present
        Result.User = Parts[0];
        Index = InStr(Result.User, ":");
        if (Index != -1)
            Result.Password = Mid(Result.User, Index + 1);
            Result.User = Left(Result.User, Index);
        URL = Parts[1];

    // Extract host and port
    HostParts = SplitString(URL, ":");
    Result.Host = HostParts[0];
    if (HostParts.Length > 1)
        Result.Port = HostParts[1];

function PrintParsedURL(ParsedURL URL)
    `log("Scheme: " $ URL.Scheme);
    `log("User: " $ URL.User);
    `log("Password: " $ URL.Password);
    `log("Host: " $ URL.Host);
    `log("Port: " $ URL.Port);
    `log("Path: " $ URL.Path);
    `log("Fragment: " $ URL.Fragment);
    `log("RawQuery: " $ URL.RawQuery);

function ParseQueryParams(string RawQuery, out array<string> Params)
    local array<string> KeyValuePairs;
    local string Pair;
    KeyValuePairs = SplitString(RawQuery, "&");
    foreach KeyValuePairs(Pair)

function ExampleURLParsing()
    local string URLString;
    local ParsedURL ParsedResult;
    local array<string> QueryParams;

    URLString = "postgres://user:pass@host.com:5432/path?k=v#f";

    ParseURL(URLString, ParsedResult);

    ParseQueryParams(ParsedResult.RawQuery, QueryParams);
    `log("Query Params: " $ QueryParams[0]);

This UnrealScript example demonstrates URL parsing functionality similar to the original Go code. Here’s an explanation of the key components:

  1. We define a ParsedURL struct to hold the various components of a parsed URL.

  2. The ParseURL function takes a URL string and parses it into the ParsedURL struct. It uses string manipulation functions like SplitString to extract different parts of the URL.

  3. The PrintParsedURL function is used to display the parsed URL components.

  4. ParseQueryParams function is a simple implementation to parse query parameters from the raw query string.

  5. The ExampleURLParsing function demonstrates how to use these functions with a sample URL.

Note that UnrealScript doesn’t have built-in URL parsing libraries like Go does, so we’ve implemented basic parsing functionality manually. This implementation doesn’t handle all edge cases and is not as robust as Go’s built-in url.Parse function, but it demonstrates the concept.

To use this code in an UnrealScript project, you would typically call the ExampleURLParsing function from an appropriate place in your game logic.

Remember that UnrealScript is primarily used for game development in Unreal Engine 3 and earlier versions. For more recent Unreal Engine versions, you might want to consider using C++ or Blueprint for similar functionality.