Verilog does not have built-in support for base64 encoding/decoding, so we’ll implement a simplified version of base64 encoding and decoding using Verilog modules. This example will demonstrate the concept, but it won’t be a full-featured base64 implementation.
This Verilog code demonstrates a simplified base64 encoding and decoding process:
The base64_encoder module takes 24 bits of input data and produces a 32-bit encoded output.
The base64_decoder module takes a 32-bit encoded input and produces a 24-bit decoded output.
The base64_example module demonstrates how to use the encoder and decoder.
The encoding process converts groups of 6 bits into base64 characters, while the decoding process reverses this conversion. This example uses a simplified character set and doesn’t handle all edge cases of a full base64 implementation.
To run this Verilog code, you would typically use a Verilog simulator like Icarus Verilog or ModelSim. The simulation would output the original data, encoded data, and decoded data in binary format.
Note that this is a very basic implementation and doesn’t cover all aspects of base64 encoding/decoding. In practice, base64 encoding in hardware would often be implemented as part of a larger system, possibly using more optimized techniques or dedicated hardware blocks.