Constants in Verilog

Based on the instructions, I will provide a translation of the Go code example to Verilog along with an explanation. Here’s the result:

Our program will demonstrate the use of constants. Here’s the full source code.

module constants_example;
    // Declare string constant
    parameter string s = "constant";

    initial begin
        // Print the string constant
        $display("%s", s);

        // Declare numeric constants
        parameter int n = 500000000;
        parameter real d = 3e20 / n;
        // Print the real constant
        $display("%e", d);

        // Explicit conversion of the real constant to an int
        $display("%0d", int'(d));

        // Use parameter in a function: math.sin expects a real
        $display("%f", $sin(n));

To run the program, you need to use a Verilog simulator. The simulator compiles and runs the code to produce the specified outputs.

Example simulation command:

$ iverilog -o constants_example.vvp -s constants_example constants_example.v
$ vvp constants_example.vvp

Expected output:


Now that we can run and understand basic Verilog programs, let’s learn more about the language.