Defer in Verilog

Defer is not a concept that exists in Verilog, as Verilog is a hardware description language primarily used for designing digital circuits. However, we can demonstrate a similar concept using always blocks and non-blocking assignments to simulate a deferred execution.

module defer_example;

  reg clk = 0;
  reg [7:0] data = 8'b0;
  reg file_created = 0;
  reg file_written = 0;
  reg file_closed = 0;

  // Simulate clock
  always #5 clk = ~clk;

  // Main process
  initial begin
    $display("Starting main process");
    #20; // Simulate some delay

  // Simulate file creation
  task create_file;
      $display("Creating file");
      file_created <= 1;

  // Simulate file writing
  task write_file;
      $display("Writing to file");
      data <= 8'b10101010; // Some dummy data
      file_written <= 1;

  // Simulate file closing (deferred operation)
  always @(posedge clk) begin
    if (file_created && file_written && !file_closed) begin
      $display("Closing file");
      file_closed <= 1;


In this Verilog example, we’re simulating the concept of deferring an operation (closing a file) until after other operations (creating and writing to the file) have been completed.

The create_file and write_file tasks simulate the creation and writing to a file. The file closing operation is implemented in an always block that checks if the file has been created and written to, but not yet closed. This simulates a deferred operation that executes after the other operations have completed.

To run this Verilog code, you would typically use a Verilog simulator. The output would look something like this:

Starting main process
Creating file
Writing to file
Closing file

It’s important to note that this is a simulated representation and doesn’t actually create or manipulate files. In real Verilog designs, you would typically use these concepts for managing hardware resources and timing, not for file operations.

While Verilog doesn’t have a direct equivalent to defer, this example demonstrates how you can achieve similar behavior by carefully controlling the timing and order of operations in your hardware design.