Exit in Verilog

Here’s an idiomatic Verilog example that demonstrates a similar concept of printing a message:

module hello_world;

  initial begin
    $display("hello world");


Let’s break down this Verilog code:

  1. We define a module named hello_world. In Verilog, modules are the basic building blocks of designs.
  2. The initial block is used for simulation initialization. It executes only once at the beginning of the simulation.
  3. Inside the initial block, we use the $display system task to print the message “hello world” to the console.
  4. The $finish system task is used to end the simulation.

To run this Verilog code:

  1. Save the code in a file named hello_world.v.
  2. Use a Verilog simulator such as Icarus Verilog (iverilog) to compile and run the code:
$ iverilog -o hello_world hello_world.v
$ vvp hello_world
hello world

If you’re using a different simulator, the commands may vary. For example, with ModelSim:

$ vlog hello_world.v
$ vsim -c hello_world -do "run -all; exit"
hello world

Unlike software programming languages, Verilog is a hardware description language (HDL) used to model digital systems. The concept of “running” a program is different in Verilog:

  • Verilog code describes hardware behavior, which is typically simulated rather than executed directly.
  • The $display task is primarily used for debugging and displaying information during simulation.
  • In actual hardware implementation, you would typically use this kind of code for testbenches or initial configurations, not for the main functionality of your design.

This simple example demonstrates the basic structure of a Verilog module and how to use system tasks for output during simulation. As you progress with Verilog, you’ll learn more about describing actual hardware components, sequential and combinational logic, and creating more complex digital designs.