Http Server in Verilog

Here’s the translation of the HTTP Server example from Go to Verilog, along with explanations adapted for Verilog:

// Writing a basic HTTP server in Verilog requires a different approach
// as Verilog is primarily used for hardware description.
// We'll simulate some HTTP server functionality using Verilog modules.

module http_server(
    input wire clk,
    input wire reset,
    input wire [7:0] request,
    output reg [7:0] response

    // In Verilog, we define states to represent different server operations
    parameter IDLE = 2'b00;
    parameter PROCESS_REQUEST = 2'b01;
    parameter SEND_RESPONSE = 2'b10;

    reg [1:0] state;
    reg [7:0] request_buffer;

    // This always block handles the state transitions
    always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
        if (reset) begin
            state <= IDLE;
            response <= 8'b0;
            request_buffer <= 8'b0;
        end else begin
            case (state)
                IDLE: begin
                    if (request != 8'b0) begin
                        state <= PROCESS_REQUEST;
                        request_buffer <= request;
                PROCESS_REQUEST: begin
                    state <= SEND_RESPONSE;
                SEND_RESPONSE: begin
                    case (request_buffer)
                        8'h01: response <= 8'h68; // ASCII 'h' for "hello"
                        8'h02: response <= 8'h48; // ASCII 'H' for "Headers"
                        default: response <= 8'h45; // ASCII 'E' for "Error"
                    state <= IDLE;


// Test bench to simulate HTTP requests and responses
module http_server_tb;
    reg clk;
    reg reset;
    reg [7:0] request;
    wire [7:0] response;

    http_server server(

    initial begin
        clk = 0;
        reset = 1;
        request = 8'b0;
        #10 reset = 0;

        // Simulate a request to "/hello"
        #20 request = 8'h01;
        #20 request = 8'b0;

        // Simulate a request to "/headers"
        #40 request = 8'h02;
        #20 request = 8'b0;

        #100 $finish;

    always #5 clk = ~clk;

    initial begin
        $monitor("Time=%0t Request=%h Response=%h", $time, request, response);


This Verilog code simulates a basic HTTP server functionality. Here’s an explanation of the key components:

  1. The http_server module represents our server. It takes a clock, reset, and request input, and produces a response output.

  2. We use a state machine to handle different stages of request processing: IDLE, PROCESS_REQUEST, and SEND_RESPONSE.

  3. The request_buffer stores the incoming request, and the response register holds the outgoing response.

  4. In the SEND_RESPONSE state, we simulate different responses based on the request:

    • 8’h01 represents a “/hello” request, responding with ‘h’
    • 8’h02 represents a “/headers” request, responding with ‘H’
    • Any other value results in an ‘E’ for error
  5. The test bench (http_server_tb) simulates sending requests to the server and monitors the responses.

To run this Verilog simulation, you would typically use a Verilog simulator like ModelSim or Icarus Verilog. The simulation will show the server’s responses to different requests over time.

This example demonstrates how we can model server-like behavior in hardware description language, although it’s a significant simplification compared to a software HTTP server.