Json in Verilog

// Verilog doesn't have built-in JSON support, so we'll simulate JSON-like
// functionality using structs and string manipulation.

module json_example;

  // Define structs to represent JSON-like data
  typedef struct {
    int Page;
    string Fruits[];
  } Response1;

  typedef struct {
    int page;
    string fruits[];
  } Response2;

  // Function to simulate JSON encoding
  function string encode(input string data);
    // In real Verilog, you'd implement string manipulation here
    return {"{", data, "}"};

  // Function to simulate JSON decoding
  function void decode(input string json_string, output string data);
    // In real Verilog, you'd implement string parsing here
    data = json_string.substr(1, json_string.len() - 2);

  initial begin
    // Simulating JSON encoding of basic data types

    // Simulating JSON encoding of arrays and structs
    string fruits[] = '{"apple", "peach", "pear"};
    $display(encode($sformatf("%p", fruits)));

    // Simulating custom type encoding
    Response1 res1;
    res1.Page = 1;
    res1.Fruits = fruits;
    $display(encode($sformatf("Page:%0d,Fruits:%p", res1.Page, res1.Fruits)));

    // Simulating JSON decoding
    string json_string = "{\"page\": 1, \"fruits\": [\"apple\", \"peach\"]}";
    string decoded_data;
    decode(json_string, decoded_data);
    $display("Decoded: %s", decoded_data);

    // In Verilog, we don't have dynamic typing, so we'd need to know the
    // structure of the data beforehand to properly decode it.
    Response2 res2;
    // Here we'd parse the decoded_data string to fill res2
    // This would require custom string parsing logic
    $display("Page: %0d", res2.page);
    $display("First fruit: %s", res2.fruits[0]);


This Verilog code simulates JSON-like functionality, as Verilog doesn’t have built-in JSON support. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

  1. We define struct-like types (Response1 and Response2) to represent JSON objects.

  2. We create simple encode and decode functions to simulate JSON encoding and decoding. In a real implementation, these would involve more complex string manipulation.

  3. The initial block demonstrates how to use these functions with various data types.

  4. We show how to work with array-like structures and custom types.

  5. For decoding, we simulate parsing a JSON string into a struct. In practice, this would require implementing a custom parser.

  6. Verilog doesn’t have dynamic typing or reflection, so working with JSON-like data structures is more challenging and requires more manual work compared to Go.

  7. Error handling is not implemented in this example, but in a real-world scenario, you’d need to add robust error checking for parsing and data manipulation.

Remember, this is a simplified simulation of JSON-like functionality in Verilog. In practice, working with complex data structures in Verilog typically involves using more low-level bit manipulation or generating Verilog code from higher-level descriptions.