Logging in Verilog

This program demonstrates how to implement logging functionality in Verilog. Here’s an example of how you might approach this:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module logging_example;

  // Define a task for logging messages
  task log_message;
    input [8*32-1:0] message;
      $display("%t - INFO: %s", $time, message);

  // Define a task for logging errors
  task log_error;
    input [8*32-1:0] message;
      $display("%t - ERROR: %s", $time, message);

  // Define a task for logging with custom severity
  task log_custom;
    input [8*8-1:0] severity;
    input [8*32-1:0] message;
      $display("%t - %s: %s", $time, severity, message);

  // Main simulation block
  initial begin
    // Standard logging
    log_message("This is a standard log message");

    // Error logging
    log_error("This is an error message");

    // Custom severity logging
    log_custom("WARNING", "This is a warning message");

    // Logging with variable
    integer count = 5;
    log_message($sformatf("The count is %0d", count));

    // Conditional logging
    if (count > 3) begin
      log_message("Count is greater than 3");

    // Logging in a loop
    for (integer i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) begin
      log_message($sformatf("Loop iteration %0d", i));



This Verilog code demonstrates a simple logging system. Let’s break it down:

  1. We define three tasks for logging: log_message for standard messages, log_error for errors, and log_custom for messages with custom severity.

  2. Each logging task uses Verilog’s built-in $display system task to output messages. The $time system function is used to include a timestamp with each log.

  3. In the main simulation block (initial begin), we demonstrate various logging scenarios:

    • Standard message logging
    • Error logging
    • Custom severity logging
    • Logging with variables using $sformatf
    • Conditional logging
    • Logging in a loop
  4. The $finish system task is called at the end to terminate the simulation.

To run this Verilog code:

  1. Save the code in a file with a .v extension, for example, logging_example.v.
  2. Use a Verilog simulator like Icarus Verilog or ModelSim to compile and run the code.

For Icarus Verilog:

$ iverilog -o logging_example logging_example.v
$ vvp logging_example

This will compile the Verilog code and run the simulation, outputting the log messages to the console.

This example demonstrates a basic approach to logging in Verilog. In practice, you might want to extend this system to write logs to files, include more detailed information, or integrate with more advanced debugging tools depending on your specific needs and the capabilities of your simulation environment.