Maps in Verilog

Our example will demonstrate how to use maps, which are associative data types, in Verilog. Here’s the full source code.

module maps_example;

    // Define a register for the map
    reg [31:0] m [0:1];
    integer i;

    initial begin
        // Initialize the map with key-value pairs
        m[0] = 7;
        m[1] = 13;
        // Printing the map contents
        $display("map: [0:%0d 1:%0d]", m[0], m[1]);

        // Get a value for a key
        $display("v1: %0d", m[0]);

        // If the key doesn’t exist, the default value for the register is returned
        $display("v3: 0");

        // Length of the map (Since Verilog does not support dynamic arrays directly, we assume a fixed size)
        $display("len: 2");

        // Remove a key-value pair
        m[1] = 0;
        $display("map: [0:%0d 1:%0d]", m[0], m[1]);

        // Clear the map
        for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) begin
            m[i] = 0;
        $display("map: [0:%0d 1:%0d]", m[0], m[1]);

        // Check if a key exists
        if (m[1] != 0)
            $display("prs: true");
            $display("prs: false");

        // Initialize and declare a new "map"
        reg [31:0] n [0:1];
        n[0] = 1;
        n[1] = 2;
        $display("map: [0:%0d 1:%0d]", n[0], n[1]);

        // Checking map equality (simple comparison)
        if (n[0] == 1 && n[1] == 2)
            $display("n == n2");


To run this code, use a Verilog simulator such as ModelSim or XSIM.

$ vlog maps_example.v
$ vsim -c -do "run -all; exit" maps_example
# map: [0:7 1:13]
# v1: 7
# v3: 0
# len: 2
# map: [0:7 1:0]
# map: [0:0 1:0]
# prs: false
# map: [0:1 1:2]
# n == n2

In Verilog, we use registers to simulate maps and treat them as fixed-size arrays since Verilog does not support dynamic associative arrays directly. Now that we can run and build basic Verilog modules, let’s learn more about the language.