Number Parsing in Verilog

Here’s the translation of the number parsing example from Go to Verilog:

Parsing numbers from strings is a basic but common task in many programs; here’s how to do it in Verilog.

module number_parsing;

  // In Verilog, we don't have built-in string parsing functions like in high-level languages.
  // Instead, we'll demonstrate how to convert string representations to numbers using SystemVerilog.

  initial begin
    // Parse a floating-point number
    real f;
    f = $bitstoreal($bitstoshortreal("1.234"));
    $display("f = %f", f);

    // Parse an integer
    integer i;
    i = $sscanf("123", "%d");
    $display("i = %d", i);

    // Parse a hexadecimal number
    integer d;
    d = $sscanf("0x1c8", "%h");
    $display("d = %d", d);

    // Parse an unsigned integer
    integer u;
    u = $sscanf("789", "%d");
    $display("u = %d", u);

    // Parse a basic base-10 integer
    integer k;
    k = $sscanf("135", "%d");
    $display("k = %d", k);

    // Handling parsing errors
    integer result;
    result = $sscanf("wat", "%d");
    if (result == 0)
      $display("Error: Invalid input for integer parsing");


In Verilog, we don’t have built-in string parsing functions like in high-level languages. Instead, we use SystemVerilog system tasks and functions to achieve similar functionality.

For floating-point numbers, we use $bitstoreal and $bitstoshortreal to convert between bit representations and real numbers.

For integer parsing, we use the $sscanf system task, which reads formatted input from a string. The %d format specifier is used for decimal integers, and %h for hexadecimal.

Error handling in Verilog is different from high-level languages. We check the return value of $sscanf to determine if the parsing was successful.

To run this Verilog code, you would typically use a Verilog simulator such as ModelSim, VCS, or Icarus Verilog. The exact commands may vary depending on your simulator and setup.

$ iverilog -o number_parsing number_parsing.v
$ ./number_parsing
f = 1.234000
i = 123
d = 456
u = 789
k = 135
Error: Invalid input for integer parsing

Note that the exact output format may vary depending on the simulator used. Also, Verilog is primarily used for hardware description and simulation, so these string parsing operations are mainly used for testbench and simulation purposes, not for synthesis into actual hardware.