String Formatting in Verilog

module string_formatting;

  // In Verilog, we don't have a direct equivalent to Go's struct,
  // so we'll use a parameter to represent a point
  parameter POINT_X = 1;
  parameter POINT_Y = 2;

  initial begin
    // Verilog doesn't have built-in string formatting like Go's Printf
    // We'll use $display for output, which has some formatting options

    // Basic output
    $display("struct1: {%0d, %0d}", POINT_X, POINT_Y);

    // Verilog doesn't have a direct equivalent to %+v or %#v
    // We'll just use the basic output for these cases
    $display("struct2: {x:%0d y:%0d}", POINT_X, POINT_Y);
    $display("struct3: {x:%0d, y:%0d}", POINT_X, POINT_Y);

    // Verilog doesn't have a direct way to print type
    $display("type: parameter");

    // Boolean output
    $display("bool: %b", 1'b1);

    // Integer output
    $display("int: %0d", 123);

    // Binary output
    $display("bin: %b", 4'b1110);

    // Character output (ASCII)
    $display("char: %c", 8'd33);

    // Hexadecimal output
    $display("hex: %h", 8'h1c8);

    // Floating-point numbers are not natively supported in Verilog
    // We'll use fixed-point representation
    $display("float1: %f", 78.900000);
    $display("float2: %e", 123400000.0);
    $display("float3: %E", 123400000.0);

    // String output
    $display("str1: %s", "\"string\"");
    $display("str2: %s", "\"\\\"string\\\"\"");

    // Verilog doesn't have a direct equivalent to Go's %x for strings
    $display("str3: 6865782074686973");

    // Verilog doesn't have pointers, so we'll skip the pointer example

    // Width formatting
    $display("width1: |%6d|%6d|", 12, 345);
    $display("width2: |%6.2f|%6.2f|", 1.20, 3.45);
    $display("width3: |%-6.2f|%-6.2f|", 1.20, 3.45);
    $display("width4: |%6s|%6s|", "foo", "b");
    $display("width5: |%-6s|%-6s|", "foo", "b");

    // Verilog doesn't have a direct equivalent to Sprintf
    // We'll just use $display for this example
    $display("display: a %s", "string");

    // Verilog doesn't have separate stdout and stderr
    // We'll use $display for both
    $display("io: an %s", "error");


This Verilog code demonstrates various formatting options available in the language. However, it’s important to note that Verilog, being a hardware description language, has significantly different capabilities compared to Go:

  1. Verilog doesn’t have built-in string formatting like Go’s Printf. We use $display for output, which has some formatting options.

  2. Verilog doesn’t natively support floating-point numbers. Fixed-point representation is often used instead.

  3. Verilog doesn’t have structs, pointers, or dynamic memory allocation. We use parameters to represent fixed data.

  4. Many of Go’s advanced formatting options (like %+v, %#v, %T) don’t have direct equivalents in Verilog.

  5. Verilog doesn’t distinguish between stdout and stderr.

  6. String manipulation in Verilog is very limited compared to high-level programming languages.

Despite these differences, this example demonstrates how to output various data types and use some of the formatting options available in Verilog’s $display function.