Strings and Runes in Verilog

module StringsAndRunes;

  // In Verilog, we don't have a direct equivalent to Go's UTF-8 encoded strings.
  // Instead, we'll use a sequence of 8-bit ASCII characters to represent our string.
  reg [7:0] s [0:17]; // 18 bytes to represent "สวัสดี"

  integer i;
  initial begin
    // Initialize our "string" with ASCII values
    s[0] = 8'hE0; s[1] = 8'hB8; s[2] = 8'hAA;
    s[3] = 8'hE0; s[4] = 8'hB8; s[5] = 8'hA7;
    s[6] = 8'hE0; s[7] = 8'hB8; s[8] = 8'hB1;
    s[9] = 8'hE0; s[10] = 8'hB8; s[11] = 8'hAA;
    s[12] = 8'hE0; s[13] = 8'hB8; s[14] = 8'h94;
    s[15] = 8'hE0; s[16] = 8'hB8; s[17] = 8'hB5;

    // Print the length of the "string"
    $display("Len: %0d", $size(s));

    // Print each byte in hexadecimal
    for (i = 0; i < $size(s); i = i + 1) begin
      $write("%h ", s[i]);

    // In Verilog, we don't have a built-in concept of "runes" or Unicode code points.
    // We would need to implement our own UTF-8 decoding logic to count or process runes.
    $display("Note: Rune counting and processing would require custom UTF-8 decoding logic in Verilog.");

    // Demonstrate checking for specific byte sequences
    checkByteSequence(0, 8'hE0, 8'hB8, 8'hAA);

  // This function checks for a specific byte sequence at a given index
  task checkByteSequence;
    input integer index;
    input [7:0] byte1, byte2, byte3;
      if (s[index] == byte1 && s[index+1] == byte2 && s[index+2] == byte3) begin
        $display("Found byte sequence %h %h %h at index %0d", byte1, byte2, byte3, index);


This Verilog code attempts to replicate some of the functionality of the original Go program, with the following key differences and explanations:

  1. Verilog doesn’t have native support for UTF-8 encoded strings or Unicode. We represent the Thai string “สวัสดี” as a sequence of bytes in an array.

  2. We use an array of 8-bit registers to store each byte of our “string”.

  3. The initial block is used to set up our string and perform operations that were in the main function in Go.

  4. We can easily print the length of our byte array and iterate over each byte to print its hexadecimal value.

  5. Verilog doesn’t have built-in support for UTF-8 decoding or rune counting. We’d need to implement custom logic for these operations, which is beyond the scope of this simple example.

  6. Instead of comparing runes, we demonstrate checking for specific byte sequences using a custom task checkByteSequence.

  7. Verilog doesn’t have direct equivalents to Go’s range loops or utf8.DecodeRuneInString function. These would require more complex custom implementations.

To simulate this Verilog code, you would typically use a Verilog simulator like ModelSim, Icarus Verilog, or Verilator. The exact commands would depend on your simulation environment.

This example demonstrates how lower-level hardware description languages like Verilog handle text data differently from high-level programming languages, often working directly with byte-level representations rather than abstract concepts like strings or Unicode characters.