Testing And Benchmarking in Verilog

Here’s an idiomatic Verilog example demonstrating the concept of testing and benchmarking:

// File: min_finder.v
module min_finder(
  input [7:0] a,
  input [7:0] b,
  output [7:0] min
  assign min = (a < b) ? a : b;

// File: min_finder_tb.v
`timescale 1ns/1ps

module min_finder_tb();
  reg [7:0] a, b;
  wire [7:0] min;
  min_finder dut (
  // Test cases
  initial begin
    $display("Running tests...");
    // Test case 1
    a = 8'd10; b = 8'd20;
    if (min !== 8'd10) $display("Test 1 failed: Expected 10, got %d", min);
    else $display("Test 1 passed");
    // Test case 2
    a = 8'd30; b = 8'd15;
    if (min !== 8'd15) $display("Test 2 failed: Expected 15, got %d", min);
    else $display("Test 2 passed");
    // Test case 3
    a = 8'd0; b = 8'd0;
    if (min !== 8'd0) $display("Test 3 failed: Expected 0, got %d", min);
    else $display("Test 3 passed");
    $display("Tests completed");
  // Simple benchmarking
  initial begin
    $display("Running benchmark...");
    repeat(1000) begin
      a = $random;
      b = $random;
    $display("Benchmark completed");
  // Optional: Dump waveform
  initial begin
    $dumpvars(0, min_finder_tb);

This Verilog example demonstrates testing and benchmarking concepts similar to the Go example. Here’s an explanation of the code:

  1. We define a simple min_finder module that finds the minimum of two 8-bit inputs.

  2. In the testbench (min_finder_tb), we instantiate the min_finder module as the Device Under Test (DUT).

  3. We create a series of test cases in the initial block, similar to the Go example’s unit tests. Each test case sets input values, waits for propagation, and checks the output.

  4. We use $display statements to report test results, which is analogous to Go’s t.Errorf.

  5. A simple benchmark is implemented using a repeat loop that runs the module with random inputs 1000 times. This is similar to Go’s benchmark function, although Verilog doesn’t have built-in benchmarking tools like Go does.

  6. We include an optional waveform dumping section, which can be useful for detailed analysis of the module’s behavior over time.

To run this testbench, you would typically use a Verilog simulator like Icarus Verilog:

$ iverilog -o min_finder_tb min_finder.v min_finder_tb.v
$ vvp min_finder_tb

This will compile the Verilog files and run the simulation, displaying the test results and benchmark completion message.

For more detailed analysis, you can open the generated VCD file with a waveform viewer like GTKWave:

$ gtkwave min_finder_tb.vcd

This example demonstrates how to create a simple module, write a testbench with multiple test cases, and include a basic benchmark in Verilog. While Verilog doesn’t have built-in testing frameworks like Go, you can create structured tests and benchmarks using the language’s simulation capabilities.