Timeouts in Verilog
Timeouts are important for digital designs that interact with external resources or that need to bound execution time. Implementing timeouts in Verilog requires careful consideration of clock cycles and state machines.
module timeouts(
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
output reg [7:0] result
// Define states
localparam IDLE = 2'b00;
localparam WAITING = 2'b01;
localparam TIMEOUT = 2'b10;
localparam DONE = 2'b11;
reg [1:0] state;
reg [31:0] counter;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
state <= IDLE;
counter <= 0;
result <= 8'b0;
end else begin
case (state)
IDLE: begin
state <= WAITING;
counter <= 0;
WAITING: begin
if (counter == 100) begin // Simulating a 2-second delay
state <= DONE;
result <= 8'h01; // "result 1"
end else if (counter == 50) begin // 1-second timeout
state <= TIMEOUT;
result <= 8'h02; // "timeout 1"
end else begin
counter <= counter + 1;
state <= IDLE;
In this Verilog implementation, we use a state machine to simulate the concept of timeouts. The module has a clock input (clk
), a reset input (reset
), and an 8-bit output (result
The state machine has four states: IDLE
, and DONE
. We use a counter to simulate the passage of time. In this example, we’re assuming that 50 clock cycles represent 1 second, and 100 clock cycles represent 2 seconds.
The process starts in the IDLE
state and immediately moves to the WAITING
state. In the WAITING
state, it increments the counter on each clock cycle. If the counter reaches 50 (simulating 1 second), it moves to the TIMEOUT
state and sets the result to 0x02
(representing “timeout 1”). If the counter reaches 100 (simulating 2 seconds), it moves to the DONE
state and sets the result to 0x01
(representing “result 1”).
This implementation simulates the behavior of the first select
statement in the original code. To implement the second select
statement with a longer timeout, you would need to extend this state machine or create a separate one with different timing parameters.
Note that in real-world applications, you would typically use more precise timing mechanisms, possibly involving a PLL (Phase-Locked Loop) or other clock management techniques to accurately represent seconds or milliseconds.
To test this module, you would need to create a testbench that provides clock and reset signals, and monitors the result
output. The testbench would need to run for a sufficient number of clock cycles to observe both the timeout and successful completion scenarios.
module timeouts_tb;
reg clk, reset;
wire [7:0] result;
timeouts uut (
// Clock generation
always #5 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
clk = 0;
reset = 1;
#10 reset = 0;
#1000; // Wait for 100 clock cycles
// Monitor results
always @(result) begin
8'h01: $display("Result: result 1");
8'h02: $display("Result: timeout 1");
default: $display("Result: %h", result);
This testbench will run the simulation for 100 clock cycles, which should be enough to observe the timeout behavior. The actual output will depend on the exact timing and state transitions in your implementation.