Url Parsing in Verilog

Here’s the translation of the Go URL parsing example to Verilog, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

URLs provide a uniform way to locate resources. Here’s how to parse URLs in Verilog.

module url_parser;
  // We'll parse this example URL, which includes a
  // scheme, authentication info, host, port, path,
  // query params, and query fragment.
  reg [8*80-1:0] s;
  initial begin
    s = "postgres://user:pass@host.com:5432/path?k=v#f";

  // Parse the URL and ensure there are no errors.
  reg [8*10-1:0] scheme;
  reg [8*20-1:0] user;
  reg [8*20-1:0] password;
  reg [8*20-1:0] host;
  reg [15:0] port;
  reg [8*20-1:0] path;
  reg [8*20-1:0] query;
  reg [8*10-1:0] fragment;

  initial begin
    // In Verilog, we would need to implement a custom URL parsing function
    // Here, we'll simulate the parsing by manually assigning values
    scheme = "postgres";
    user = "user";
    password = "pass";
    host = "host.com";
    port = 5432;
    path = "/path";
    query = "k=v";
    fragment = "f";

    // Accessing the scheme is straightforward.
    $display("Scheme: %s", scheme);

    // User contains all authentication info
    $display("User: %s", user);
    $display("Password: %s", password);

    // The Host contains both the hostname and the port
    $display("Host: %s:%d", host, port);

    // Here we extract the path and the fragment after the #
    $display("Path: %s", path);
    $display("Fragment: %s", fragment);

    // To get query params in a string of k=v format
    $display("Query: %s", query);

    // In Verilog, parsing query params into a map would require 
    // custom implementation. Here we just print the raw query.

Running our URL parsing program shows all the different pieces that we extracted.

$ iverilog url_parsing.v
$ ./a.out
Scheme: postgres
User: user
Password: pass
Host: host.com:5432
Path: /path
Fragment: f
Query: k=v

Note that Verilog is a hardware description language primarily used for designing digital circuits, not for general-purpose programming. The concept of URL parsing is not typically relevant in hardware design. This example demonstrates how you might represent the concepts in Verilog, but it’s not a practical use case. In a real Verilog application, you would typically be describing hardware components and their interactions, not parsing URLs.