Xml in Verilog

Here’s the translation of the XML example from Go to Verilog:

Our first example demonstrates how to work with XML-like structures in Verilog. Since Verilog doesn’t have built-in XML support, we’ll simulate XML parsing and generation using string manipulation.

module Plant;
  reg [31:0] id;
  reg [127:0] name;
  reg [255:0] origin [1:0];

  task init;
    input [31:0] plant_id;
    input [127:0] plant_name;
    input [255:0] origin1;
    input [255:0] origin2;
      id = plant_id;
      name = plant_name;
      origin[0] = origin1;
      origin[1] = origin2;

  function [1023:0] to_xml;
    reg [1023:0] xml_string;
      xml_string = "";
      $sformat(xml_string, "<plant id=\"%0d\">\n  <name>%0s</name>\n  <origin>%0s</origin>\n  <origin>%0s</origin>\n</plant>",
               id, name, origin[0], origin[1]);
      to_xml = xml_string;

module XML_Example;
  Plant coffee();
  Plant tomato();

  initial begin
    coffee.init(27, "Coffee", "Ethiopia", "Brazil");
    tomato.init(81, "Tomato", "Mexico", "California");

    // Generate XML for coffee plant

    // Simulate XML parsing (in real-world scenarios, you'd use a proper XML parser)
    $display("Parsed Plant: id=%0d, name=%0s, origin=[%0s %0s]", 
             coffee.id, coffee.name, coffee.origin[0], coffee.origin[1]);

    // Generate nested XML structure
    $display("  <parent>");
    $display("    <child>");
    $display("    </child>");
    $display("  </parent>");

This Verilog code simulates XML handling:

  1. We define a Plant module to represent the plant structure.

  2. The init task initializes a plant with an ID, name, and origins.

  3. The to_xml function generates an XML-like string representation of a plant.

  4. In the XML_Example module, we create two plants: coffee and tomato.

  5. We display the XML representation of the coffee plant.

  6. We simulate parsing by displaying the plant’s properties.

  7. Finally, we generate a nested XML-like structure containing both plants.

To run this Verilog code, you would typically use a Verilog simulator like Icarus Verilog or use it as part of a larger hardware design project.

Note that Verilog is primarily a hardware description language, so XML processing isn’t a native feature. In real-world scenarios, XML parsing and generation would typically be handled by external tools or in software running on the hardware you’re designing.