This VHDL code demonstrates base64 encoding and decoding. Here’s an explanation of the code:
We define two helper functions: char_to_base64 to convert a character to its 6-bit base64 representation, and base64_to_char to convert a 6-bit base64 representation back to a character.
The input string is defined as a constant: data := "abc123!?$*&()'-=@~".
We declare signals for the encoded and decoded strings.
In the main process:
We perform the encoding by iterating through the input string, converting each character to its base64 representation, and constructing the encoded string.
We print the encoded string using a report statement.
We then perform the decoding by iterating through the encoded string, converting each character back to its original representation, and constructing the decoded string.
Finally, we print the decoded string.
Note that this implementation is simplified and doesn’t handle padding with ‘=’ characters for inputs that aren’t multiples of 3 bytes. Also, VHDL doesn’t have built-in support for base64 encoding/decoding, so we’ve implemented the basic algorithm manually.
To run this VHDL code, you would typically use a VHDL simulator such as ModelSim or GHDL. The output would show the encoded and decoded strings in the simulation console.
This example demonstrates how to implement base64 encoding and decoding in VHDL, which is commonly used in digital design and FPGA programming.