Constants in VHDL
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Constants in VHDL are similar to those in many other programming languages. VHDL supports various types of constant values such as character, string, boolean, and numeric values.
In this example, we’ll see how constants are declared and used in VHDL.
Declaration of Constants in VHDL
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
entity ConstantExample is
end ConstantExample;
architecture Behavioral of ConstantExample is
-- Declare a string constant
constant s : string := "constant";
-- Declare a numeric constant
constant n : integer := 500000000;
-- Declare a constant for a real number expression
constant d : real := 3e20 / n;
-- Print the string constant
report s;
-- Print the real constant
report real'image(d);
-- Explicit type conversion to integer
report integer'image(integer(d));
-- Using the constant in a mathematical function
report real'image(sin(real(n)));
end process;
end Behavioral;
To declare a constant in VHDL, you use the constant
constant s : string := "constant";
This declares a string constant s
with the value "constant"
constant n : integer := 500000000;
This declares an integer constant n
with the value 500000000
constant d : real := 3e20 / n;
This declares a real constant d
with the value of 3e20
divided by n
. In constants, arithmetic expressions are computed with arbitrary precision.
In the process
, we print out the constants with the report
report s; -- Print string constant
report real'image(d); -- Print real constant
report integer'image(integer(d)); -- Explicit type conversion to integer
report real'image(sin(real(n))); -- Using the constant in a mathematical function
The report
statement outputs the values and the real'image
and integer'image
functions are used for converting numerical values to string representations.
This VHDL example shows how to declare and use constants, perform arithmetic with constants, and print out their values using the report