Errors in VHDL
In VHDL, error handling is typically done through the use of assertions, report statements, and simulation control. Unlike Go, VHDL doesn’t have a built-in error type or return mechanism for functions. Instead, we’ll use a combination of these techniques to demonstrate error handling.
In this VHDL code:
We define a function
that returns an integer. If the input is 42, it reports an error and returns -1. Otherwise, it returns the input plus 3.We define a procedure
that takes an integer input and has a boolean output to indicate success. It reports different messages based on the input.In the main process, we demonstrate the use of these error handling mechanisms:
- We loop through values and call the
function, reporting success or failure. - We then demonstrate the
procedure, handling different error conditions.
- We loop through values and call the
VHDL uses
statements for error messaging. The severity can be set tonote
, orfailure
.Instead of returning errors, we use out parameters (like
) or specific return values (like -1 inf
) to indicate errors.VHDL doesn’t have built-in error chaining or wrapping. For more complex error handling, you would typically use custom record types or additional out parameters.
To run this VHDL code, you would typically use a VHDL simulator. The simulation would show the reported messages, which serve as our error indications.
This approach demonstrates error handling in VHDL, adapting the concepts from the original example to fit VHDL’s paradigms and best practices.