Exit in VHDL
Here’s an idiomatic VHDL example that demonstrates the concept of exiting a process:
This VHDL code demonstrates a concept similar to exiting a program, although it’s important to note that VHDL, being a hardware description language, doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s os.Exit()
Here’s what the code does:
- We define an entity
with clock and reset inputs, and an 8-bit output. - In the architecture, we declare a counter signal.
- The main process is sensitive to the clock and reset signals.
- On each rising edge of the clock, we increment the counter.
- When the counter reaches 100, we use a
statement with severityfailure
to simulate an “exit” condition.
The report
statement with severity failure
will cause the simulation to stop, which is the closest equivalent to exiting a program in VHDL. This is typically used for testbench purposes or to catch critical conditions during simulation.
To use this code:
Save it in a file named
.Compile it using your VHDL compiler. For example, if you’re using GHDL:
Create a testbench to simulate this entity and run it:
You should see output similar to this when the simulation reaches the exit condition:
This example demonstrates how to simulate an “exit” condition in VHDL, which is conceptually similar to exiting a program in other languages, while adhering to VHDL’s hardware-oriented paradigm.