This VHDL code demonstrates the concept of maps (associative arrays) using a custom implementation. Here’s an explanation of the key points:
We define a KeyValuePair record type to represent key-value pairs, and a MapType array to hold multiple pairs.
Functions and procedures are implemented to mimic map operations:
make_map: Creates an empty map
set_value: Sets a key-value pair
get_value: Retrieves a value for a given key
delete_key: Removes a key-value pair
clear_map: Removes all key-value pairs
key_exists: Checks if a key exists in the map
The main process demonstrates the usage of these map operations, similar to the original example.
VHDL doesn’t have built-in associative arrays, so this implementation uses a fixed-size array and linear search. In practice, more efficient data structures might be used for larger maps.
String handling in VHDL is different from high-level languages. Fixed-length strings are used here for simplicity.
Printing in VHDL is typically done through simulator-specific mechanisms. The report statements here are used to demonstrate the output.
This VHDL implementation provides similar functionality to the original example, adapted to VHDL’s language features and constraints.