Methods in VHDL
library IEEE;
entity Rectangle is
Port ( width : in INTEGER;
height : in INTEGER;
area : out INTEGER;
perim : out INTEGER );
end Rectangle;
architecture Behavioral of Rectangle is
-- This process calculates the area
area_proc: process(width, height)
area <= width * height;
end process;
-- This process calculates the perimeter
perim_proc: process(width, height)
perim <= 2 * width + 2 * height;
end process;
end Behavioral;
-- Testbench
entity Rectangle_TB is
end Rectangle_TB;
architecture Behavioral of Rectangle_TB is
component Rectangle is
Port ( width : in INTEGER;
height : in INTEGER;
area : out INTEGER;
perim : out INTEGER );
end component;
signal width, height, area, perim : INTEGER;
UUT: Rectangle port map (width => width, height => height, area => area, perim => perim);
stim_proc: process
width <= 10;
height <= 5;
wait for 10 ns;
report "area: " & INTEGER'image(area);
report "perim: " & INTEGER'image(perim);
end process;
end Behavioral;
VHDL supports entity-architecture pairs, which are similar to structs with methods in other languages. In this example, we define a Rectangle
entity with width
and height
as inputs, and area
and perim
as outputs.
The area_proc
process calculates the area of the rectangle, similar to the area
method in the original code. The perim_proc
process calculates the perimeter, similar to the perim
In VHDL, we don’t have the concept of pointer or value receivers as in some other languages. Instead, we use signals to communicate between processes and entities.
The testbench (Rectangle_TB
) instantiates the Rectangle
entity and provides test stimuli. It sets the width to 10 and height to 5, then reports the calculated area and perimeter.
To simulate this VHDL code, you would typically use a VHDL simulator. The simulation would produce output similar to:
# area: 50
# perim: 30
Note that VHDL is primarily used for hardware description and simulation, so the concept of “running” the code is different from software languages. Instead, you would simulate the design in a VHDL simulator.
VHDL doesn’t have the same concept of automatic handling of values and pointers as in some other languages. In VHDL, all communication between processes and entities is done through signals, which are somewhat similar to pointers in that they provide a level of indirection.