Random Numbers in VHDL
Here’s the translation of the Go random numbers example to VHDL:
Our program will demonstrate generating random numbers. Here’s the full source code:
This VHDL code demonstrates the concept of generating random numbers. Since VHDL doesn’t have a built-in random number generator, we’ve implemented a simple pseudo-random number generator using the linear congruential method.
The rand_int
function generates a pseudo-random integer based on a seed value. We use this to create random integers and then convert them to real numbers in different ranges.
To run this VHDL code, you would typically use a VHDL simulator. The output will be in the form of report statements, which will appear in the simulator’s console or log.
Note that this is a simplified example and not suitable for cryptographic purposes. In real VHDL applications, especially for hardware design, you might use more sophisticated random number generation techniques or dedicated IP cores for random number generation.
The concept of seeded random number generation is maintained, allowing for reproducible sequences of random numbers when the same seed is used.
For more advanced random number generation in VHDL, you might want to look into specialized libraries or IP cores designed for FPGA implementations.