Sorting in VHDL

Our example demonstrates sorting in VHDL. While VHDL doesn’t have built-in sorting functions like some high-level languages, we can implement sorting algorithms manually.

library IEEE;

entity Sorting is
end Sorting;

architecture Behavioral of Sorting is
    type int_array is array (natural range <>) of integer;
    -- Bubble sort function for integer arrays
    function sort(arr : int_array) return int_array is
        variable temp : integer;
        variable sorted_arr : int_array(arr'range) := arr;
        for i in sorted_arr'range loop
            for j in sorted_arr'low to sorted_arr'high - 1 loop
                if sorted_arr(j) > sorted_arr(j + 1) then
                    temp := sorted_arr(j);
                    sorted_arr(j) := sorted_arr(j + 1);
                    sorted_arr(j + 1) := temp;
                end if;
            end loop;
        end loop;
        return sorted_arr;
    end function;

    -- Function to check if an array is sorted
    function is_sorted(arr : int_array) return boolean is
        for i in arr'low to arr'high - 1 loop
            if arr(i) > arr(i + 1) then
                return false;
            end if;
        end loop;
        return true;
    end function;

    -- Test arrays
    constant ints : int_array(0 to 2) := (7, 2, 4);
    signal sorted_ints : int_array(ints'range);
    signal is_sorted_result : boolean;

        -- Sort the integer array
        sorted_ints <= sort(ints);
        -- Check if the array is sorted
        is_sorted_result <= is_sorted(sorted_ints);
        -- Print results (this would typically be done in a testbench)
        report "Sorted ints: " & integer'image(sorted_ints(0)) & " " &
                               integer'image(sorted_ints(1)) & " " &
        report "Is sorted: " & boolean'image(is_sorted_result);
    end process;
end Behavioral;

In this VHDL example, we’ve implemented a basic bubble sort algorithm for integer arrays. VHDL doesn’t have built-in sorting functions like the slices package in high-level languages, so we need to implement the sorting logic ourselves.

We define two functions:

  1. sort: This function implements the bubble sort algorithm to sort an integer array.
  2. is_sorted: This function checks if an array is already in sorted order.

In the architecture body, we define a test array of integers and use our sorting function to sort it. We then check if the result is sorted using the is_sorted function.

Note that VHDL is typically used for hardware description, so printing results directly isn’t standard practice. In a real VHDL design, you would typically observe these results in a simulation waveform or testbench. The report statements are included here to show the results in a way similar to the original example.

To run this VHDL code, you would typically use a VHDL simulator like ModelSim or GHDL. The simulation would show the sorted array and whether it’s correctly sorted.

This example demonstrates how to implement basic sorting functionality in VHDL, adapting the concepts from the original example to fit VHDL’s syntax and typical use cases.