String Functions in VHDL
Our example demonstrates various string operations in VHDL. Note that VHDL doesn’t have a built-in string manipulation library like some higher-level languages, so we’ll define our own functions to mimic similar functionality.
library IEEE;
entity string_functions is
end string_functions;
architecture Behavioral of string_functions is
-- Function to check if a string contains a substring
function contains(str : string; substr : string) return boolean is
for i in 1 to str'length - substr'length + 1 loop
if str(i to i + substr'length - 1) = substr then
return true;
end if;
end loop;
return false;
end function;
-- Function to count occurrences of a character in a string
function count(str : string; char : character) return integer is
variable cnt : integer := 0;
for i in str'range loop
if str(i) = char then
cnt := cnt + 1;
end if;
end loop;
return cnt;
end function;
-- Function to check if a string starts with a prefix
function has_prefix(str : string; prefix : string) return boolean is
return str(str'left to str'left + prefix'length - 1) = prefix;
end function;
-- Function to check if a string ends with a suffix
function has_suffix(str : string; suffix : string) return boolean is
return str(str'right - suffix'length + 1 to str'right) = suffix;
end function;
-- Function to find the index of a substring
function index_of(str : string; substr : string) return integer is
for i in 1 to str'length - substr'length + 1 loop
if str(i to i + substr'length - 1) = substr then
return i;
end if;
end loop;
return -1;
end function;
-- Function to join strings (limited to 2 strings for simplicity)
function join(str1 : string; str2 : string; separator : string) return string is
return str1 & separator & str2;
end function;
-- Function to repeat a string
function repeat(str : string; n : integer) return string is
variable result : string(1 to str'length * n);
for i in 1 to n loop
result((i-1)*str'length + 1 to i*str'length) := str;
end loop;
return result;
end function;
-- Function to convert string to lowercase
function to_lower(str : string) return string is
variable result : string(str'range);
for i in str'range loop
if str(i) >= 'A' and str(i) <= 'Z' then
result(i) := character'val(character'pos(str(i)) + 32);
result(i) := str(i);
end if;
end loop;
return result;
end function;
-- Function to convert string to uppercase
function to_upper(str : string) return string is
variable result : string(str'range);
for i in str'range loop
if str(i) >= 'a' and str(i) <= 'z' then
result(i) := character'val(character'pos(str(i)) - 32);
result(i) := str(i);
end if;
end loop;
return result;
end function;
report "Contains: " & boolean'image(contains("test", "es"));
report "Count: " & integer'image(count("test", 't'));
report "HasPrefix: " & boolean'image(has_prefix("test", "te"));
report "HasSuffix: " & boolean'image(has_suffix("test", "st"));
report "Index: " & integer'image(index_of("test", "e"));
report "Join: " & join("a", "b", "-");
report "Repeat: " & repeat("a", 5);
report "ToLower: " & to_lower("TEST");
report "ToUpper: " & to_upper("test");
end process;
end Behavioral;
This VHDL code defines a set of string manipulation functions similar to those available in higher-level languages. We’ve implemented functions for checking if a string contains a substring, counting occurrences of a character, checking for prefixes and suffixes, finding the index of a substring, joining strings, repeating strings, and converting to lower and uppercase.
To use these functions, you would typically include them in a package and then use that package in your VHDL designs. The process at the end demonstrates how to use these functions and report the results.
Note that VHDL’s string handling is more limited compared to higher-level languages, and these functions are basic implementations. In real-world VHDL applications, string manipulation is less common as VHDL is primarily used for hardware description rather than text processing.