Struct Embedding in VHDL
VHDL supports the concept of component instantiation, which is similar to struct embedding in other languages. This allows for a more seamless composition of types.
library IEEE;
entity base is
Port ( num : in integer );
end base;
architecture Behavioral of base is
-- This process simulates the 'describe' method
report "base with num=" & integer'image(num);
end process;
end Behavioral;
entity container is
Port ( num : in integer;
str : in string );
end container;
architecture Behavioral of container is
-- This is similar to embedding in other languages
component base
Port ( num : in integer );
end component;
-- Instantiate the base component
base_inst: base port map (num => num);
-- This process demonstrates accessing the 'embedded' component
process(num, str)
report "container: num=" & integer'image(num) & ", str=" & str;
end process;
end Behavioral;
-- Test bench
entity tb_container is
end tb_container;
architecture Behavioral of tb_container is
signal num : integer := 1;
signal str : string(1 to 9) := "some name";
-- Instantiate the container
uut: entity work.container
port map (num => num, str => str);
-- Stimulus process
stim_proc: process
wait for 10 ns;
-- We can access the base's fields directly
report "num: " & integer'image(num);
report "str: " & str;
end process;
end Behavioral;
In this VHDL example, we’ve created a base
entity with a num
input and a process that reports its value, similar to the describe
method in the original example. The container
entity then instantiates the base
entity as a component, which is analogous to embedding in other languages.
The test bench (tb_container
) demonstrates how to use the container
entity and access its fields. Note that VHDL doesn’t have the concept of methods in the same way as object-oriented languages, so we’ve used processes to simulate similar behavior.
To run this VHDL code, you would typically use a VHDL simulator such as ModelSim or GHDL. The simulation would output something like:
# Running simulation...
# base with num=1
# container: num=1, str=some name
# num: 1
# str: some name
This example demonstrates how VHDL can achieve a form of composition similar to struct embedding, albeit with different syntax and concepts specific to hardware description languages.