VHDL offers support for time-related operations. Here are some examples:
In this VHDL example, we demonstrate various time-related operations:
We start by getting the current simulation time using the now function.
We create a specific time value using the time type.
We can extract components of a time value, such as nanoseconds or picoseconds.
VHDL allows comparison of time values using standard comparison operators.
We can calculate the difference between two time values.
Time values can be advanced by adding a duration.
Note that VHDL’s time handling is simulation-centric, as VHDL is primarily used for hardware description and simulation. The concept of “current time” in VHDL refers to the current simulation time, not the actual wall clock time.
To run this VHDL code, you would typically use a VHDL simulator. The exact commands may vary depending on your simulation environment, but it might look something like this:
This will compile the VHDL file, elaborate the design, and run the simulation, displaying the results of our time operations.
VHDL’s time handling is particularly useful for simulating and verifying timing behavior in digital designs. It allows designers to model and analyze the temporal aspects of their hardware systems accurately.