Xml in VHDL

Here’s the translation of the XML example from Go to VHDL:

Our program will demonstrate XML handling in VHDL. While VHDL doesn’t have built-in XML support like some high-level languages, we can implement basic XML functionality using string operations and custom types.

library IEEE;

entity XMLExample is
end XMLExample;

architecture Behavioral of XMLExample is
    -- Define a record type to represent a Plant
    type string_array is array (natural range <>) of string(1 to 20);
    type Plant is record
        Id : integer;
        Name : string(1 to 20);
        Origin : string_array(0 to 1);
    end record;

    -- Function to convert Plant record to XML string
    function plant_to_xml(p : Plant) return string is
        variable xml : string(1 to 200);
        variable idx : integer := 1;
        xml(idx to idx+13) := "<plant id=""" & integer'image(p.Id) & """>";
        idx := idx + 14;
        xml(idx to idx+5) := "<name>";
        idx := idx + 6;
        xml(idx to idx+p.Name'length-1) := p.Name;
        idx := idx + p.Name'length;
        xml(idx to idx+6) := "</name>";
        idx := idx + 7;
        for i in p.Origin'range loop
            xml(idx to idx+7) := "<origin>";
            idx := idx + 8;
            xml(idx to idx+p.Origin(i)'length-1) := p.Origin(i);
            idx := idx + p.Origin(i)'length;
            xml(idx to idx+8) := "</origin>";
            idx := idx + 9;
        end loop;
        xml(idx to idx+7) := "</plant>";
        return xml;
    end function;

        variable coffee : Plant := (Id => 27, Name => "Coffee              ", Origin => ("Ethiopia            ", "Brazil              "));
        variable xml_output : string(1 to 200);
        -- Convert Plant record to XML
        xml_output := plant_to_xml(coffee);
        -- Print the XML
        report "XML Output:";
        report xml_output;
    end process;
end Behavioral;

In this VHDL example, we’ve created a custom Plant record type to represent the data structure. We then implemented a plant_to_xml function that converts a Plant record to an XML string.

The main process creates a Plant record for coffee and converts it to XML using our custom function. The resulting XML string is then printed using VHDL’s report statement.

Note that VHDL doesn’t have built-in XML parsing capabilities, so we’ve focused on the XML generation aspect. For more complex XML operations, you would need to implement custom parsing logic or use external libraries if available in your VHDL environment.

To run this VHDL code, you would typically use a VHDL simulator such as ModelSim or GHDL. The output would show the generated XML string representing the coffee plant.

This example demonstrates basic string manipulation and custom type usage in VHDL to achieve XML-like functionality. In a real-world scenario, more robust XML handling might require additional libraries or more complex string processing techniques.