Here’s an idiomatic Visual Basic .NET example that demonstrates working with directories:
This Visual Basic .NET example demonstrates various operations with directories:
We use Directory.CreateDirectory to create new directories.
Path.Combine is used to create path strings in a platform-independent way.
We use a lambda expression (Sub) to create a helper function for creating empty files.
Directory.GetFileSystemEntries is used to list directory contents.
Directory.SetCurrentDirectory changes the current working directory.
We use a recursive function VisitDirectory to visit all subdirectories and files.
Error handling and cleanup are managed using a Try...Finally block.
We use string interpolation ($"...") for formatting output strings.
To run this program:
Save the code in a file with a .vb extension (e.g., DirectoryOperations.vb).
Compile the code using the Visual Basic compiler:
Run the compiled executable:
This example showcases Visual Basic .NET’s approach to file system operations, demonstrating its object-oriented nature and the use of .NET Framework classes for file and directory manipulation.