Recover in Visual Basic .NET

Visual Basic .NET provides a mechanism to handle exceptions, which is similar to recovering from panics in other languages. The Try-Catch-Finally block is used to catch and handle exceptions.

Imports System

Module RecoverExample
    ' This function throws an exception.
    Sub MayThrow()
        Throw New Exception("a problem")
    End Sub

    Sub Main()
        ' We use Try-Catch to handle exceptions.
        ' This is similar to using recover in other languages.
        Catch ex As Exception
            ' The Catch block is executed when an exception occurs.
            ' It's similar to a deferred function with recover.
            Console.WriteLine("Recovered. Error:")
        End Try

        ' This code will run, unlike in some other languages where
        ' execution might stop at the point of the exception.
        Console.WriteLine("After MayThrow()")
    End Sub
End Module

In Visual Basic .NET, exception handling is built into the language structure. The Try block contains the code that might throw an exception. The Catch block is where you handle the exception, similar to how you would use recover in some other languages.

To run this program, you would typically compile it into an executable and then run it:

$ vbc RecoverExample.vb
$ RecoverExample.exe
Recovered. Error:
a problem
After MayThrow()

In this example, the MayThrow function throws an exception, which is then caught and handled in the Catch block. The program continues to execute after the exception is handled, printing “After MayThrow()”.

This demonstrates how Visual Basic .NET allows you to gracefully handle exceptions and continue program execution, similar to recovering from panics in other languages.