Slices in Visual Basic .NET

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Module SlicesExample
    Sub Main()
        ' In Visual Basic .NET, we use Lists instead of slices.
        ' Lists are similar to slices in that they are dynamic arrays.

        ' An uninitialized List is not null, but has a count of 0.
        Dim s As New List(Of String)()
        Console.WriteLine($"uninit: {String.Join(", ", s)} {s Is Nothing} {s.Count = 0}")

        ' To create an empty List with non-zero capacity, we can use the constructor.
        s = New List(Of String)(3)
        Console.WriteLine($"emp: {String.Join(", ", s)} len: {s.Count} cap: {s.Capacity}")

        ' We can set and get just like with arrays.
        Console.WriteLine($"set: {String.Join(", ", s)}")
        Console.WriteLine($"get: {s(2)}")

        ' Count returns the length of the List as expected.
        Console.WriteLine($"len: {s.Count}")

        ' We can add elements to the List using the Add method.
        s.AddRange({"e", "f"})
        Console.WriteLine($"apd: {String.Join(", ", s)}")

        ' Lists can be copied. Here we create a new List and copy into it from s.
        Dim c As New List(Of String)(s)
        Console.WriteLine($"cpy: {String.Join(", ", c)}")

        ' Lists support a "range" operator with the GetRange method.
        Dim l As List(Of String) = s.GetRange(2, 3)
        Console.WriteLine($"sl1: {String.Join(", ", l)}")

        ' This gets a range up to (but excluding) index 5.
        l = s.GetRange(0, 5)
        Console.WriteLine($"sl2: {String.Join(", ", l)}")

        ' And this gets a range from index 2 to the end.
        l = s.GetRange(2, s.Count - 2)
        Console.WriteLine($"sl3: {String.Join(", ", l)}")

        ' We can declare and initialize a List in a single line as well.
        Dim t As New List(Of String)({"g", "h", "i"})
        Console.WriteLine($"dcl: {String.Join(", ", t)}")

        ' Visual Basic .NET doesn't have a built-in slices package, but we can compare Lists.
        Dim t2 As New List(Of String)({"g", "h", "i"})
        If t.SequenceEqual(t2) Then
            Console.WriteLine("t == t2")
        End If

        ' Lists can be composed into multi-dimensional data structures.
        ' The length of the inner Lists can vary.
        Dim twoD As New List(Of List(Of Integer))()
        For i As Integer = 0 To 2
            Dim innerLen As Integer = i + 1
            Dim innerList As New List(Of Integer)()
            For j As Integer = 0 To innerLen - 1
                innerList.Add(i + j)
        Console.WriteLine($"2d: {String.Join(", ", twoD.Select(Function(x) $"[{String.Join(", ", x)}]"))}")
    End Sub
End Module

Note that while Lists in Visual Basic .NET are different from arrays, they are rendered similarly when printed.

To run this program, save it as SlicesExample.vb and compile it using the Visual Basic compiler:

vbc SlicesExample.vb

Then run the compiled executable:


The output will be similar to the Go example, demonstrating the usage of Lists in Visual Basic .NET as an analog to slices in Go.

In Visual Basic .NET, Lists provide similar functionality to slices in Go, offering dynamic arrays with methods for adding, removing, and accessing elements. While the syntax and some specifics differ, the general concepts of working with sequences of data remain similar.