Channel Directions in Wolfram Language

(* This `ping` function only accepts a channel for sending
   values. In Wolfram Language, we'll use a function that
   takes a callback function to simulate this behavior. *)
ping[sendFunc_, msg_] := sendFunc[msg]

(* The `pong` function accepts one channel for receives
   (`pings`) and a second for sends (`pongs`). We'll simulate
   this with a function that takes two callback functions. *)
pong[receiveFunc_, sendFunc_] := 
  msg = receiveFunc[];

(* Main function to demonstrate the usage *)
main[] := 
 Module[{pings, pongs, pingMsg, pongMsg},
  pings = {};
  pongs = {};
  (* Simulate sending a message through `pings` channel *)
  ping[Function[x, AppendTo[pings, x]], "passed message"];
  (* Simulate receiving from `pings` and sending to `pongs` *)
  pong[Function[] First[pings], Function[x, AppendTo[pongs, x]]];
  (* Print the result *)

(* Run the main function *)

In Wolfram Language, we don’t have built-in constructs for channels or goroutines as in Go. Instead, we’ve simulated the behavior using functions and lists.

The ping function takes a callback function sendFunc_ and a message msg_. It simply calls the sendFunc_ with the msg_.

The pong function takes two callback functions: receiveFunc_ for receiving a message and sendFunc_ for sending a message. It calls receiveFunc_ to get a message, then passes that message to sendFunc_.

In the main function, we use lists (pings and pongs) to simulate channels. We use AppendTo to add elements to these lists, simulating sending to a channel. To simulate receiving from a channel, we use First to get the first element of the list.

The Function construct is used to create anonymous functions that serve as our callbacks.

To run this program, you would typically save it in a file (e.g., ChannelDirections.wl) and then execute it in a Wolfram Language environment like Mathematica or Wolfram Engine. The output would be:

passed message

This example demonstrates how we can simulate channel-like behavior in Wolfram Language, even though it doesn’t have native support for Go-style channels and goroutines.