Errors in Wolfram Language

In Wolfram Language, error handling is typically done using pattern matching and the `Throw` and `Catch` functions. Here's an example that demonstrates error handling similar to the Go code:

(* Define a function that may return an error *)
f[arg_] := Module[{},
  If[arg == 42,
    Throw[{"error", "can't work with 42"}],
    arg + 3

(* Define sentinel errors *)
errOutOfTea = {"error", "no more tea available"};
errPower = {"error", "can't boil water"};

(* Function to make tea *)
makeTea[arg_] := Module[{},
    arg == 2, Throw[errOutOfTea],
    arg == 4, Throw[{"error", "making tea: " <> errPower[[2]]}],
    True, "Tea is ready!"

(* Main function *)
main[] := Module[{},
  (* Test f function *)
    result = Catch[f[i]];
    If[MatchQ[result, {"error", _}],
      Print["f failed: ", result[[2]]],
      Print["f worked: ", result]
    {i, {7, 42}}
  (* Test makeTea function *)
    result = Catch[makeTea[i]];
    If[MatchQ[result, {"error", _}],
        result === errOutOfTea, Print["We should buy new tea!"],
        StringContainsQ[result[[2]], errPower[[2]]], Print["Now it is dark."],
        True, Print["unknown error: ", result[[2]]]
    {i, 0, 4}

(* Run the main function *)

In this Wolfram Language version:

  1. We use Throw to simulate returning an error. The error is represented as a list with the first element being “error” and the second element being the error message.

  2. The f function throws an error when the input is 42, similar to the Go version.

  3. Sentinel errors are defined as lists, similar to the Go version.

  4. The makeTea function uses Which to handle different cases and throw appropriate errors.

  5. In the main function, we use Catch to handle potential errors thrown by f and makeTea.

  6. We use pattern matching (MatchQ) to check if a result is an error.

  7. For the makeTea function, we use Which to handle different error types, similar to the errors.Is checks in the Go version.

  8. The StringContainsQ function is used to check if an error message contains a specific string, simulating the wrapped error check in the Go version.

This Wolfram Language version demonstrates error handling, pattern matching, and control flow similar to the Go example, adapted to Wolfram Language’s functional programming paradigm.