Http Client in Wolfram Language

Here’s an idiomatic code example in Wolfram Language that demonstrates the concept of an HTTP client, similar to the Go example provided:

(* Import necessary packages *)

(* Function to make an HTTP GET request and process the response *)
httpGet[url_] := Module[{response, status, body},
  (* Make the GET request *)
  response = URLRead[url];
  (* Get the HTTP status code *)
  status = response["StatusCode"];
  (* Get the response body *)
  body = response["Body"];
  (* Print the status *)
  Print["Response status: ", status, " ", response["StatusLine"]];
  (* Print the first 5 lines of the response body *)
  Print["First 5 lines of response body:"];
  Print[StringTake[body, Min[StringLength[body], 500]]];
  (* Return the full response for further processing if needed *)

(* Example usage *)
result = httpGet[""];

This Wolfram Language code demonstrates how to make an HTTP GET request and process the response. Let’s break it down:

  1. We start by importing the URLTools package, which provides functions for working with URLs and making HTTP requests.

  2. We define a function called httpGet that takes a URL as an argument. This function encapsulates the HTTP GET request and response processing.

  3. Inside httpGet, we use URLRead to make the GET request and retrieve the response.

  4. We extract the status code and body from the response.

  5. The status code and status line are printed to show the response status.

  6. We print the first 5 lines (or less if the response is shorter) of the response body using StringTake.

  7. Finally, we return the full response object in case further processing is needed.

  8. In the example usage, we make a GET request to “” and store the result in the result variable.

To run this code:

  1. Open a Wolfram Language notebook or the Wolfram Desktop.
  2. Copy and paste the code into a new cell.
  3. Evaluate the cell (Shift + Enter).

The output will show the response status and the first few lines of the response body.

This example demonstrates how to make HTTP requests in Wolfram Language, which is a common task in many applications. The URLRead function provides a convenient way to make HTTP requests, similar to the http.Get function in Go. Wolfram Language’s built-in string manipulation functions make it easy to process the response body.

Note that unlike Go, Wolfram Language is an interpreted language, so there’s no need for a separate compilation step. You can run the code directly in a Wolfram notebook or from the command line using the wolframscript tool.