Json in Wolfram Language

(* We'll use these two associations to demonstrate encoding and
   decoding of custom types below. *)
response1 = <|
  "Page" -> 1,
  "Fruits" -> {"apple", "peach", "pear"}

(* In Wolfram Language, all keys in associations are exported. *)
response2 = <|
  "page" -> 1,
  "fruits" -> {"apple", "peach", "pear"}

(* First we'll look at encoding basic data types to
   JSON strings. Here are some examples for atomic values. *)
Print[ExportString[True, "JSON"]]
Print[ExportString[1, "JSON"]]
Print[ExportString[2.34, "JSON"]]
Print[ExportString["gopher", "JSON"]]

(* And here are some for lists and associations, which encode
   to JSON arrays and objects as you'd expect. *)
slcD = {"apple", "peach", "pear"};
Print[ExportString[slcD, "JSON"]]

mapD = <|"apple" -> 5, "lettuce" -> 7|>;
Print[ExportString[mapD, "JSON"]]

(* The JSON package can automatically encode your
   custom data types. *)
Print[ExportString[response1, "JSON"]]
Print[ExportString[response2, "JSON"]]

(* Now let's look at decoding JSON data into Wolfram Language
   values. Here's an example for a generic data structure. *)
byt = "{\"num\":6.13,\"strs\":[\"a\",\"b\"]}";

(* Here's the actual decoding, and a check for associated errors. *)
dat = Check[ImportString[byt, "JSON"], $Failed];
If[dat === $Failed,
  Print["Error decoding JSON"],

(* In order to use the values in the decoded association,
   we can access them directly. *)
num = dat["num"];

(* Accessing nested data is straightforward in Wolfram Language. *)
strs = dat["strs"];
str1 = strs[[1]];

(* We can also decode JSON into custom data types. *)
str = "{\"page\": 1, \"fruits\": [\"apple\", \"peach\"]}";
res = ImportString[str, "JSON"];

(* In Wolfram Language, we can write JSON directly to files or streams. *)
Export["output.json", mapD, "JSON"];
Print[Import["output.json", "String"]]

This Wolfram Language code demonstrates JSON encoding and decoding, mirroring the functionality of the original Go example. Here are some key points about the translation:

  1. Wolfram Language uses <|...|> for associations, which are similar to Go’s structs or maps.
  2. ExportString and ImportString are used for JSON encoding and decoding, respectively.
  3. Wolfram Language doesn’t require type assertions when accessing decoded data.
  4. Error handling is done using Check and pattern matching.
  5. Wolfram Language can directly export to files using Export.

To run this code, you would typically use a Wolfram Language environment such as Mathematica or the Wolfram Engine. The output would be similar to the Go example, showing the JSON representations of various data structures and demonstrating encoding and decoding operations.

For more information on working with JSON in Wolfram Language, refer to the Wolfram Language documentation on JSON-related functions.