Logging in Wolfram Language

This program demonstrates how to use logging in Wolfram Language. Here’s the full source code:

(* Import the logging package *)

(* Set up a basic logger *)
logger = CreateLogger["MyLogger"]

(* Log a simple message *)
LogMessage[logger, "standard logger"]

(* Log with different levels *)
LogMessage[logger, "info message", "Info"]
LogMessage[logger, "warning message", "Warning"]
LogMessage[logger, "error message", "Error"]

(* Log with additional context *)
LogMessage[logger, "message with context", "Info", 
  <|"key" -> "value", "number" -> 42|>]

(* Create a file logger *)
fileLogger = CreateLogger["FileLogger", 
  "File" -> FileNameJoin[{$TemporaryDirectory, "log.txt"}]]

(* Log to file *)
LogMessage[fileLogger, "This message goes to a file"]

(* Read and print the contents of the log file *)
Print[Import[fileLogger["File"], "Text"]]

(* Clean up *)

Let’s break down this code:

  1. We start by importing the Logging package from the Utilities context.

  2. We create a basic logger using CreateLogger. This logger will output to the notebook or console by default.

  3. We use LogMessage to log various messages with different severity levels.

  4. We demonstrate logging with additional context by passing an association as the fourth argument to LogMessage.

  5. We create a file logger that writes log messages to a file in the temporary directory.

  6. We log a message to the file, then read and print the contents of the log file.

  7. Finally, we clean up by deleting the log file.

To run this program in Wolfram Language:

  1. Open a Wolfram Language notebook or the Wolfram Desktop.
  2. Copy the code into a new notebook cell.
  3. Evaluate the cell (Shift+Enter or click the cell bracket and press Enter).

The output will show the logged messages in the notebook, and you’ll see the contents of the log file printed at the end.

This example demonstrates basic logging capabilities in Wolfram Language. It shows how to create loggers, log messages with different severity levels, add context to log messages, and log to files. The Wolfram Language logging system is simpler than some other languages but still provides the essential functionality for adding logging to your programs.