Range Over Iterators in Wolfram Language

In Wolfram Language, we can create a similar functionality to the Go example using lists and functions. Let's explore how we can implement a list-like structure and iterate over it.

First, we'll define a simple list structure:

list = {10, 13, 23};

To iterate over this list, we can use the Do function:

  {element, list}

This will print each element of the list.

In Wolfram Language, we don’t need to create a custom iterator for lists, as the language provides built-in functions for working with lists. However, we can create a function that generates Fibonacci numbers:

fibonacciGenerator[n_] := 
  NestList[{#[[2]], #[[1]] + #[[2]]} &, {1, 1}, n - 1][[All, 1]]

This function generates a list of the first n Fibonacci numbers. We can use it like this:

  If[fib >= 10, Break[]],
  {fib, fibonacciGenerator[10]}

This will print Fibonacci numbers until it reaches or exceeds 10.

To collect all elements of our original list, we can simply use the list itself:

all = list;
Print["all: ", all]

Wolfram Language provides powerful list manipulation functions. For example, to filter a list, we can use Select:

evenNumbers = Select[list, EvenQ]

This selects all even numbers from the list.

In Wolfram Language, many operations are already optimized for lists, so we don’t need to create custom iterators in most cases. The language provides a rich set of functions for working with collections of data efficiently.