Stateful Goroutines in Wolfram Language

In Wolfram Language, we can create a stateful system using associations and pure functions. While Wolfram Language doesn’t have built-in concurrency primitives like goroutines, we can simulate concurrent operations using ParallelTable and ParallelDo.

First, let’s define our read and write operations:

readOp[key_] := <|"key" -> key, "resp" -> CreateDataStructure["Channel"][]|>
writeOp[key_, val_] := <|"key" -> key, "val" -> val, "resp" -> CreateDataStructure["Channel"][]|>

Now, let’s create our stateful system:

state = <||>;
reads = CreateDataStructure["Channel"][];
writes = CreateDataStructure["Channel"][];

stateManager := Module[{read, write},
      reads["QueueEmpty"] == False,
        read = reads["Pop"];
        read["resp"]["Push", state[read["key"]]],
      writes["QueueEmpty"] == False,
        write = writes["Pop"];
        state[write["key"]] = write["val"];
        write["resp"]["Push", True],
      True, Pause[0.001]

Now, let’s start our state manager and create read and write operations:

RunScheduledTask[stateManager, 0.001];

readOps = 0;
writeOps = 0;

    read = readOp[RandomInteger[{1, 5}]];
    reads["Push", read];

    write = writeOp[RandomInteger[{1, 5}], RandomInteger[{1, 100}]];
    writes["Push", write];

Pause[1];  (* Let the operations run for a second *)

Print["readOps: ", readOps];
Print["writeOps: ", writeOps];

This Wolfram Language code simulates the behavior of the original Go program. Here’s what it does:

  1. We define readOp and writeOp functions that create structures similar to the Go structs.

  2. The stateManager function acts like the goroutine that owns the state. It continuously checks for read and write operations and processes them.

  3. We use RunScheduledTask to run the state manager periodically, simulating the continuous operation of a goroutine.

  4. We use ParallelDo to simulate multiple concurrent read and write operations. Each operation is performed in a loop, similar to the Go goroutines.

  5. After letting the operations run for a second, we print the number of read and write operations performed.

Running this program will show the number of read and write operations completed in one second. The exact numbers will vary, but they should be in the thousands, demonstrating the high-throughput nature of this approach.

This implementation showcases how we can manage shared state in Wolfram Language using a centralized manager (similar to the goroutine in the Go example) and simulate concurrent operations. While it’s not a direct translation due to language differences, it captures the essence of the original Go program’s stateful goroutines concept.