String Formatting in Wolfram Language

(* Wolfram Language offers excellent support for string formatting. 
   Here are some examples of common string formatting tasks. *)

(* Define a custom data structure *)
point[x_, y_] := <|"x" -> x, "y" -> y|>

(* Create an instance of our point structure *)
p = point[1, 2];

(* Basic formatting *)
Print["struct1: ", p]

(* Include field names *)
Print["struct2: ", ToString[p, InputForm]]

(* Print the full expression *)
Print["struct3: ", ToString[FullForm[p]]]

(* Print the type *)
Print["type: ", Head[p]]

(* Formatting booleans *)
Print["bool: ", ToString[True]]

(* Formatting integers *)
Print["int: ", ToString[123]]

(* Binary representation *)
Print["bin: ", IntegerString[14, 2]]

(* Character corresponding to integer *)
Print["char: ", FromCharacterCode[33]]

(* Hexadecimal encoding *)
Print["hex: ", IntegerString[456, 16]]

(* Formatting floats *)
Print["float1: ", NumberForm[78.9, {Infinity, 6}]]

(* Scientific notation *)
Print["float2: ", ScientificForm[123400000.0, 6]]
Print["float3: ", ScientificForm[123400000.0, 6, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#1, "E", #3}] &)]]

(* Basic string printing *)
Print["str1: ", "\"string\""]

(* Quote strings *)
Print["str2: ", ToString["\"string\"", InputForm]]

(* Hexadecimal representation of string *)
Print["str3: ", StringJoin[IntegerString[ToCharacterCode["hex this"], 16, 2]]]

(* Print memory address (not directly available in Wolfram Language) *)
Print["pointer: ", "N/A"]

(* Controlling width for integers *)
Print["width1: |", StringPadLeft[ToString[12], 6], "|", StringPadLeft[ToString[345], 6], "|"]

(* Controlling width and precision for floats *)
Print["width2: |", StringPadLeft[ToString[NumberForm[1.2, {6, 2}]], 6], "|", 
      StringPadLeft[ToString[NumberForm[3.45, {6, 2}]], 6], "|"]

(* Left-justified width for floats *)
Print["width3: |", StringPadRight[ToString[NumberForm[1.2, {6, 2}]], 6], "|", 
      StringPadRight[ToString[NumberForm[3.45, {6, 2}]], 6], "|"]

(* Right-justified width for strings *)
Print["width4: |", StringPadLeft["foo", 6], "|", StringPadLeft["b", 6], "|"]

(* Left-justified width for strings *)
Print["width5: |", StringPadRight["foo", 6], "|", StringPadRight["b", 6], "|"]

(* Formatting and returning a string *)
s = StringForm["sprintf: a ``", "string"];

(* Writing to stderr (approximation) *)
WriteString["stderr", StringForm["io: an ``\n", "error"]]

This Wolfram Language code demonstrates various string formatting techniques similar to those shown in the Go example. Note that Wolfram Language has different built-in functions for formatting, and some concepts (like pointers) don’t have direct equivalents. The code uses functions like ToString, StringForm, NumberForm, and StringPadLeft/Right to achieve similar formatting results.

To run this code, you would typically use a Wolfram Language environment such as Mathematica or the Wolfram Engine. The output would be similar to the Go example, with slight differences due to language-specific formatting.