Struct Embedding in Wolfram Language

In Wolfram Language, we can achieve similar functionality to struct embedding using associations and pure functions. Here’s how we can implement the concept:

(* Define a base "struct" *)
baseStruct[num_] := <|
  "num" -> num,
  "describe" -> Function[StringForm["base with num=``", #num]]

(* Define a container "struct" that includes the base *)
containerStruct[base_, str_] := <|
  "base" -> base,
  "str" -> str

(* Main function *)
Main[] := Module[{co, d},
  (* Create a container instance *)
  co = containerStruct[baseStruct[1], "some name"];
  (* Access fields directly *)
  Print[StringForm["co={num: ``, str: ``}", co["base", "num"], co["str"]]];
  (* Access using full path *)
  Print["also num: ", co["base", "num"]];
  (* Call the describe method *)
  Print["describe: ", co["base", "describe"][co["base"]]];
  (* Define a "describer" function *)
  describer = Function[x, x["base", "describe"][x["base"]]];
  (* Use the describer function *)
  Print["describer: ", describer[co]];

(* Run the main function *)

This code demonstrates how to implement a similar concept to struct embedding in Wolfram Language:

  1. We define baseStruct as an association with a num field and a describe method.

  2. The containerStruct is defined as an association that includes the base and adds a str field.

  3. In the Main function, we create an instance of containerStruct and demonstrate various ways to access its fields and methods.

  4. We show how to access fields directly and using the full path.

  5. The describe method is called on the base part of the container.

  6. We define a describer function that can be used similarly to an interface in other languages.

  7. Finally, we demonstrate how the describer function can be used with our containerStruct.

When you run this code, you should see output similar to:

co={num: 1, str: some name}
also num: 1
describe: base with num=1
describer: base with num=1

This example showcases how Wolfram Language can use associations and pure functions to achieve a similar effect to struct embedding, allowing for flexible composition of data structures and behaviors.