Testing And Benchmarking in Wolfram Language

Here’s an idiomatic Wolfram Language example that demonstrates the concept of testing and benchmarking:

(* Define a simple function to test *)
IntMin[a_, b_] := If[a < b, a, b]

(* Unit test using Assert *)
UnitTest[] := Module[{},
  Assert[IntMin[2, -2] == -2, "Basic test failed"];
  (* Table-driven tests *)
  tests = {
    {0, 1, 0},
    {1, 0, 0},
    {2, -2, -2},
    {0, -1, -1},
    {-1, 0, -1}
      IntMin[test[[1]], test[[2]]] == test[[3]],
      "Test case failed: " <> ToString[test]
    {test, tests}
  Print["All tests passed!"];

(* Benchmark function *)
Benchmark[] := Module[{},
  result = First@AbsoluteTiming[
    Do[IntMin[1, 2], {1000000}]
  Print["Benchmark result: ", result, " seconds"];

(* Run tests and benchmark *)

This Wolfram Language code demonstrates testing and benchmarking concepts similar to the Go example. Let’s break it down:

  1. We define a simple IntMin function that returns the minimum of two integers.

  2. The UnitTest[] function contains our test cases:

    • It starts with a basic test using Assert.
    • Then it implements table-driven tests using a list of test cases and a Do loop.
    • Each test case is checked using Assert.
  3. The Benchmark[] function measures the execution time of the IntMin function:

    • It uses AbsoluteTiming to measure the time taken to run IntMin one million times.
    • The result is printed in seconds.
  4. Finally, we call both UnitTest[] and Benchmark[] to run our tests and benchmark.

To run this code in Wolfram Language:

  1. Save the code in a file, for example, testing_benchmarking.wl.

  2. Open a Wolfram Language notebook or the Wolfram Desktop.

  3. Use << to import the file:

    << "path/to/testing_benchmarking.wl"

    Replace path/to/ with the actual path to your file.

  4. The tests and benchmark will run automatically when you import the file.

This example showcases how to perform unit testing and benchmarking in Wolfram Language. While it doesn’t have a built-in testing framework like Go’s testing package, we can create similar functionality using Assert for testing and AbsoluteTiming for benchmarking.

Note that Wolfram Language is an interpreted language, so there’s no separate compilation step. The code is evaluated as it’s imported or run in the Wolfram environment.