Text Templates in Wolfram Language

(* Wolfram Language offers built-in support for creating dynamic content or showing customized
   output to the user with the StringTemplate function. *)

(* We can create a new template and parse its body from a string.
   Templates are a mix of static text and placeholders enclosed in
   `` that are used to dynamically insert content. *)

t1 = StringTemplate["Value is `1`\n"]

(* By "executing" the template we generate its text with
   specific values for its placeholders. *)

Print[t1["some text"]]
Print[t1[{"Go", "Rust", "C++", "C#"}]]

(* If the data is an Association we can use named placeholders to access
   its key-value pairs. *)

t2 = StringTemplate["Name: `name`\n"]

Print[t2[<|"name" -> "Jane Doe"|>]]

(* The same applies to Rules; there is no restriction on the
   case of key names. *)

Print[t2[{"Name" -> "Mickey Mouse"}]]

(* Conditional execution can be achieved using If statements
   outside the template. This example demonstrates how to
   create a template with conditional content. *)

t3[value_] := StringTemplate[
  If[TrueQ[value != ""], "yes\n", "no\n"]

Print[t3["not empty"]]

(* To loop through lists, we can use Map or Table functions. *)

t4 = StringTemplate["Range: `1`\n"]

Print[t4[StringRiffle[{"Go", "Rust", "C++", "C#"}, " "]]]

To run this Wolfram Language code, you would typically use a Wolfram Language kernel or notebook environment. The output would look like this:

Value is some text

Value is 5

Value is {Go,Rust,C++,C#}

Name: Jane Doe

Name: Mickey Mouse



Range: Go Rust C++ C#

In Wolfram Language, string templates are handled using the StringTemplate function. It allows for placeholder substitution similar to Go’s text templates. The `````1syntax is used for positional placeholders, whilename``` is used for named placeholders.

Conditional logic is typically handled outside the template in Wolfram Language, as demonstrated with the t3 function. Looping through lists is often done using functions like Map or Table, or by using StringRiffle to join list elements as shown in the last example.

The Wolfram Language doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s template parsing and execution model, but it provides powerful string manipulation and formatting capabilities that can achieve similar results.