Variables in Wolfram Language

In Wolfram Language, variables are dynamically typed and don’t need explicit declarations. However, we can use patterns and definitions to create similar behavior to variable declarations in other languages.

(* Define a variable *)
a = "initial";

(* Define multiple variables *)
{b, c} = {1, 2};
Print[b, " ", c]

(* Wolfram Language infers types automatically *)
d = True;

(* Variables without initialization are "Null" *)

(* Define a variable with a specific type *)
f := "apple";

When you run this code, you’ll see the following output:

1 2

In Wolfram Language:

  1. Variables are created simply by assigning a value to them.
  2. Multiple variables can be assigned at once using list matching.
  3. Types are inferred automatically, but Wolfram Language is dynamically typed.
  4. Uninitialized variables have the value Null.
  5. The := operator is used for delayed assignment, which is similar to defining a function.

Wolfram Language doesn’t have the concept of “zero values” like in statically typed languages. Unassigned variables are simply Null.

The dynamic nature of Wolfram Language means that variables can change type during execution, which is different from statically typed languages. This flexibility is a key feature of the language.